6th and 7th of June 2019.
Institute of Statistics and Cartography (IECA), Seville (Spain).
Digital Demography, Big Data, Population, Social Media, Digital Technologies, Behaviour, Fertility, Mortality, Health, Migration, Geo-coding.
Demography has been a data-driven discipline since its birth. Data collection and the development of formal methods have sustained most of the major advances in our understanding of population processes. The global spread of Internet, social media, cell phones and, more broadly, digital technologies, have generated new opportunities for demographic research. At the same time, the use of social media, Internet and smartphones is affecting people’s daily activities as well as life planning, with implications for demographic behaviour. The submission of papers and/or extended abstracts is encouraged on the implications of digital technologies for demographic behaviour as well as the applications of new data from digital sources to understand population processes.
Topics that are relevant for the workshop include, but are not limited to:
• Population research with social media and other big data
• Sentiment analysis associated to demographic events like immigration
• Implications of social media and Internet for demographic behaviour
• Nowcasting fertility, mortality or migration with digital data
• Official statistics on population
• Linking online and administrative data
• Geo-coded and linked administrative and survey data
• Understanding population health with online and other big data
• Methods for extracting information from non-representative samples
• Applications of demographic methods to online populations
This Research Workshop is organized by the IUSSP Digital Demography Panel, the LONGPOP project, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, DisCont (ERC Advanced Grant, Bocconi University), the Institute of Economy, Geography and Demography (Spanish National Research Council) & the IECA.
More information
Please press here to download the full call for papers.
For further information, please contact the Workshop Organizer: Diego Ramiro Fariñas ( or visit the IUSSP webiste.
25th & 26th June 2018
Nova Facultade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Lisbon.
GIS; History; longitudinal databases
During the last decade, the field of Digital Humanities has grown, with multiple projects seeing the light of day and more in the pipeline. The use of digital tools in humanities and social sciences is becoming the norm for both younger and senior researchers. It is a field with wide-open opportunities to be explored and where multidisciplinary research comes naturally. The full potentialities of Digital Humanities comes, however, with a cost. The more elaborate the outcome, the more complexity it implies in choosing the tools and in defining the methodology.
GIS tools used for historical research are exemplar, as dealing with the interaction between space and time is challenging. Changes in landscape (streets disappear, new buildings are built, etc.), and in the administrative layers (names of streets, house numbers, international and administrative borders) create difficulties to track entities over time and space. These are well known problems to historians and longitudinal database managers that wish to incorporate the geographic context provided by historical sources. To tackle this challenge researchers from historical demography, economic and social history, epidemiology and related fields developed different approaches and levels of analysis.
This workshop intents to create a place of discussion and promotion of ideas, presentation of past experiences and guidelines for future research projects that combine spatial and historical analysis. We invite all researchers, data managers and students to participate in this discussion and bring new ideas, problems and possible solutions. At the end, a feedback session will take place where early stage researchers can present their ideas and get some help and comments to improve their projects.
International Institute for Social History, KNAW
Instituto de História Contemporânea, NOVA-FCSH
CHAM — Centre for the Humanities, NOVA-FCSH
Please press here to download the full programme.
Free Admission | Registration by email:
The European Population Conference (EPC) is a general scientific population conference and it is the largest European conference for population research. Approximately 900 participants from all over Europe and overseas are expected to attend. The 2018 conference theme is “Population, Diversity & Inequality”.
Image credits: European Population Conference 2018.
From 6th to 9th of June 2018, many of the members of the LONGPOP project will attend the EPC 2018. The list of papers submitted by our researchers as main authors or co-authors can be found here. For the full list of authors please click on each paper.
The seminar took place from 27 to 29 November 2017 in the Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (CCHS-CSIC), in C/Albasanz, 26-28, Madrid.
The study of infectious disease and mortality lies within the core of research agendas of different scientific fields, from life sciences to historical demography. Among infectious diseases, influenza remains at the center of the debate on international health. Concerns about the appearance of new influenza pandemics make the study of this disease a crucial research area. The upcoming centenary of the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic offers a timely opportunity for an IUSSP scientific meeting to take stock of the state of what has been learned from 1918 and in the ensuing century and to include the considerable ongoing work on the evolution, dynamics and impact of influenza pandemic. We aimed to connect the research agenda of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography to the work carried out by contemporary demographers and epidemiologists, and we welcomed papers approaching the study of influenza and influenza pandemics through different perspectives and research methods.
A total of 23 papers were accepted for presentation, in topics such as: influenza age mortality patterns and transmission dynamics over space and time, urban/rural disparities in flu mortality, influenza mortality and urban development, newly uncovered archival datasets, preservation and access to historic records, examinations of evidence of early pandemic waves, and studies that characterize patterns of the spread and impact of 1918 pandemic on general and military populations.
This seminar was organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography, the Spanish National Research Council (Spain) Fogarty IC/National Institutes of Health (U.S.), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain). Moreover, the Seminar counts with the support of the LONGPOP project and it was part of the dissemination activities foreseen in it.
The Organizing Committe was composed by Diego Ramiro (CSIC), Cecile Viboud (NIH/FIC), Gerardo Chowell (Georgia State U & FIC), Lone Simonsen (University of Copenhagen), Esteban Rodríguez Ocaña (University of Granada), María Isabel Porras Gallo (University of Castilla-La Mancha), Beatríz Echeverry Dávila, Rafael Huertas (CSIC) and Ricardo Campos (CSIC).
One of the LONGPOP Early-Stage Researcher, Laura Cilek, presented two papers: ‘Four Waves of Spanish Influenza in Madrid: Examining strength and timing differences across space ‘ and ‘The Spanish Influenza in Madrid: Excess Mortality by Age in Four Consecutive Waves’.