LONGPOP | Publications
Webpage of the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie MSCA-ITN Project LONGPOP (Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers)
Horizon 2020, H2020, Longitudinal analysis, Demography, Population Studies, Epidemiology, Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, GIS, Big Data, Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods, Public Health.
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In this section you can find all LONGPOP related publications, listed in alphabetical order.

Aartsen, M.J., Cheval, B., Sieber, S.,  Van der Linden, B.W.A,  …& Cullati, S. (2019). Advantaged socioeconomic conditions in childhood are associated with higher cognitive functioning but stronger cognitive decline in older age. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Mar 2019, 116 (12) 5478-5486.

Baranyi, G., Cherrie, M., Curtis, S., Dibben and C., Pearce, J. (2020). Changing levels of local crime and mental health: a natural experiment using self-reported and service use data in Scotland. 

Baranyi, G., Cherrie, M., Curtis, S., Dibben and C., Pearce, J. (2020). Neighborhood Crime and Psychotropic Medications: A Longitudinal Data Linkage Study of 130,000 Scottish Adults.  American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2020;000(000):1-10.

Baranyi, G., Sieber, S., Cullati, S., Pearce, J., Dibben, C., Courvoisier, D.S.,  (2019). The Longitudinal Association of Perceived Neighborhood Disorder and Lack of Social Cohesion With Depression Among Adults Aged 50 and Over: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis From 16 High-Income CountriesAmerican Journal of Epidemiology, kwz209.

Baranyi, G., Sieber, S., Pearce, J., Cheval, B., Dibben, C., Kliegel, M., Cullati, S. (2019). A longitudinal study of neighbourhood conditions and depression in ageing European adults: Do the associations vary by exposure to childhood stressors? Preventive Medicine, Volume 126, September 2019, 105764.

Bengtsson, T., Dribe, M. & Helgertz, J. (2018). When Did the Health Gradient Emerge? Income, Social Class and Mortality, Sweden 1813-2011Lund Papers in Economic Demography 2018:2.

Cheval, B., Rebar, A. L., Miller, M. W., Sieber, S., Orsholits, D., Baranyi, G., et. al. (2019). Cognitive resources moderate the adverse impact of poor perceived neighborhood conditions on self-reported physical activity of older adults. Volume 126, September 2019, 105741.

Cheval, B., Boisgontier, M.P., Orsholits, D., Sieber, S., Guessous, I., Gabriel, R., Stringhini, S., Blane, D., Van der Linden. B.W.A, …& Cullati, S. (2018). Association of early- and adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with muscle strength in older age. Age and Ageing, Volume 47, Issue 3, May 2018, Pages 398–407.

Cilek L., Chowell, G. & Ramiro, D., (2018). Age-Specific Excess Mortality Patterns During the 1918–1920 Influenza Pandemic in Madrid, Spain. American Journal of Epidemiology, kwy171.

Dribe, M. & Eriksson, B. (2018). Socioeconomic Status and Adult Life Expectancy in Early 20th-Century Sweden: Evidence from Full-Count Micro Census DataLund Papers in Economic Demography 2018:1.

Dribe, M. Eriksson, B. & Scalone, F. (2017). Migration, Marriage, and Social Mobility: Women in Sweden 1880-1900. Lund Papers in Economic Demography 2017:1.

Landös, A., von Arx, M., Cheval, B., Sieber, S., Kliegel, M., Gabriel, R., Orsholits, D., Van der Linden, B.W.A, …& Cullati, S. (2018). Childhood socioeconomic circumstances and disability trajectories in older men and women: a European cohort study. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 29, Issue 1, February 2019, Pages 50–58.

Quaranta, L. (2018). Program for Studying Intergenerational Transmissions in Infant Mortality Using the Intermediate Data Structure (IDS). Historical Life Course Studies. Special Issue 2, 2018.

Ramiro-Fariñas, D., Garcia, S., Casado, Y., Cilek, L., & Chowell, G. (2018). Age-specific excess mortality patterns and transmissibility during the 1889–1890 influenza pandemic in Madrid, Spain. Annals of epidemiology28(5), 267-272.

Ramiro-Fariñas, D., Viciana-Fernández, F. J., & Cobo, V. M. (2017). Will highly educated women have more children in the future? In Southern Europe, it will largely depend on labour market conditions. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research15, 1-6.

Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, M. (2020). Dealing with Demographic Stress in Childhood. Parental Death and the Transition to Adulthood in the Netherlands, 1850-1952. PhD Thesis.

Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, M. (2019). The Impact of Parental Death in Childhood on Sons’ and Daughters’ Status Attainment in Young Adulthood in the Netherlands, 1850–1952. Demography.

Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, M. & Debiasi, E. (2019). The impact of parental death on the timing of first marriage: Evolutionary versus social explanations (The Netherlands, 1850–1940). Demographic Research. Volume 40, article 28, pp 799–834.

Rosenbaum-Feldbrügge, M. (2018). Gender differences in response to family crisis: changes in household composition and migration of widowed parents with minor children in the Netherlands, 1863 –1910. The History of the Family. Volume 23, 2018 – Issue 4, pp. 679-705.

Santos Sánchez, V. (2020) Determinantes Sociales y Ambientales de la Mortalidad por Cáncer en Andalucía. Tesis Doctoral. Universidad de Cádiz. Tesis_Vanessa_Santos_portada (1)

Santos-Sanchez, V., Córdoba-Doña, J. A., García-Pérez, J., Escolar-Pujolar, A., Pozzi, L., & Ramis, R. (2020). Industrial pollution and mortality from digestive cancers at the small area level in a Spanish industrialized province. Geospatial Health, 15(1).

Santos-Sánchez V, Córdoba-Doña JA, Viciana F, Escolar-Pujolar A, Pozzi L, Ramis R (2020). Geographical variations in cancer mortality and social inequalities in southern Spain (Andalusia). 2002-2013. PLoS ONE 15(5): e0233397

Santos Sánchez, V., Córdoba-Doña, J.A., García-Pérez, J., Escolar-Pujolar, A., Pozzi, L. and Ramis, R. (2020). Cancer Mortality and Deprivation in the Proximity of Polluting Industrial Facilities in an Industrial Region of SpainInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(6), 1860.

Santos Sánchez, V., Ruiu, G., Breschi, M. and Pozzi, L. (2018). Mortality trends in Sardinia 1992-2015: an ecological studyBook of short Papers SIS 2018, ISBN-9788891910233. Pearson, 2018, pages 1163-1168.

Sieber, S., Cheval, B., Orsholits, D., Van der Linden, B.W.A, …& Cullati, S. (2019). Welfare regimes modify the association of disadvantaged adult-life socioeconomic circumstances with self-rated health in old age. International Journal of Epidemiology, Volume 48, Issue 4, August 2019, Pages 1352–1366.

van der Linden, Bernadette W.A. (2019)  The life course construction of social inequalities in health in old age. Dissertation no 136 University of Geneva, 10 December 2019. Thesis_RvdL10122019

Van der Linden, B.W.A., Sieber, S., Cheval, B., Orsholits, D., …& Cullati, S. (2019). Life-course circumstances and frailty in old age within different European welfare regimes: a longitudinal study with SHARE. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, , gbz140.

Van der Linden, B. W., Cheval, B., Sieber, S., Orsholits, D., Guessous, I., …& Cullati, S. (2019). Life Course Socioeconomic Conditions and Frailty at Older Ages. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, , gbz018.

Van der Linden, B. W., Courvoisier, D. S., Cheval, B., Sieber, S., Bracke, P., Guessous, I., …& Cullati, S. (2018). Effect of childhood socioeconomic conditions on cancer onset in later life: an ambidirectional cohort study. International journal of public health, 1-12.

Voigt, M., Ordanovich, D., Viciana-Fernández, F. J., Cilek, L., Cánovas, R. & Ramiro-Fariñas, D. (2019). Urban environment and mortality differentials in Spain. Population, Space and Place. 2019;e2239.

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