LONGPOP | International Seminar on ‘Pandemics: Reflections on the Centennial of the 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus’. 27-29 November 2017, Madrid. CCHS/CSIC
Webpage of the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie MSCA-ITN Project LONGPOP (Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers)
Horizon 2020, H2020, Longitudinal analysis, Demography, Population Studies, Epidemiology, Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, GIS, Big Data, Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods, Public Health.
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20 Nov International Seminar on ‘Pandemics: Reflections on the Centennial of the 1918 Spanish Influenza Virus’. 27-29 November 2017, Madrid. CCHS/CSIC

The seminar will take place in the Centre for Humanities and Social Sciences of the Spanish National Research Council (CCHS-CSIC), in C/Albasanz, 26-28, Madrid.

The study of infectious disease and mortality lies within the core of research agendas of different scientific fields, from life sciences to historical demography. Among infectious diseases, influenza remains at the center of the debate on international health. Concerns about the appearance of new influenza pandemics make the study of this disease a crucial research area. The upcoming centenary of the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic offers a timely opportunity for an IUSSP scientific meeting to take stock of the state of what has been learned from 1918 and in the ensuing century and to include the considerable ongoing work on the evolution, dynamics and impact of influenza pandemic.  We aim to connect the research agenda of the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography to the work carried out by contemporary demographers and epidemiologists, and we welcome papers approaching the study of influenza and influenza pandemics through different perspectives and research methods.

This seminar is organized by the IUSSP Scientific Panel on Historical Demography, the Spanish National Research Council (Spain) Fogarty IC/National Institutes of Health (U.S.), University of Copenhagen (Denmark), and University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain).

For more information please press here.