14 Dic Workshop on ‘Introduction to Agent-Based Computational Modelling in Population Studies’. 15-19 January 2018, Leuven.
The workshop is organised by FaPOS and will take place in the Katholic University of Leuven, Raadzaal, Leuven, in the framework of the LONGPOP project.
The aim is to provide participants with information on Agent-Based Computational Modelling applied to different fields such as Fertility Research, Social Mobility and Collective Action. The workshop will include lectures and computer lab sessions (NetLogo, JAS-mine and design of experiments and sensitivity analysis in Simulation Research).
FaPOS is the Family and Population Studies research group established within the Centre of Sociological Research of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the KU Leuven: https://soc.kuleuven.be/ceso/fapos
The course is open to external participants. For further information please contact Hideko Matsuo: hideko.matsuo@kuleuven.be
More information can be found here.