LONGPOP | The Demography Today Lecture Series 2017-2018
Webpage of the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie MSCA-ITN Project LONGPOP (Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers)
Horizon 2020, H2020, Longitudinal analysis, Demography, Population Studies, Epidemiology, Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, GIS, Big Data, Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods, Public Health.
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19 Abr The Demography Today Lecture Series 2017-2018

Many members of the LONGPOP network are taking part in this new edition 2017-18 of the Demography Today Lecture Series in Madrid. George Alter (University of Michigan), Julio Pérez (CSIC), Jan Kok (Radboud University), Jamie Pearce (University of Edinburgh) have already shared the results of their researches in a variety of fields such as income, disability, mortality, ageing, demographic challenges, anthropometric history or the geographic context of mental health.

The next lecture, Long-term Evolution of the Shape of the Mortality Function, will be held on Monday 23 April, 7pm CET, by Marco Breschi (University of Sassari) at Fundación BBVA (Paseo de Recoletos, 10, Madrid – Spain), but you can follow in streaming through Twitter: @Demografia_CSIC.

You can download the summary of the lecture here.

The Demography Today Lecture Series  aims to promote and communicate scientific work on demography through the dissemination of research and the training of specialists in issues related to demography, Big Data, longitudinal records and health, while informing society, in an accessible way, about issues currently in the foreground of scientific and political debate, such as the limits to longevity, pension systems, ageing, emerging diseases, migration and low fertility.

This lecture series enjoys the exclusive support of the BBVA Foundation and has been co-organized with the Spanish National Research Council and the LONGPOP project.

The lectures are part of the training programme of the Early-Stage Researchers. For more information please press here.