LONGPOP | LONGPOP members participate at the EPC 2018
Webpage of the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie MSCA-ITN Project LONGPOP (Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers)
Horizon 2020, H2020, Longitudinal analysis, Demography, Population Studies, Epidemiology, Statistics, Mathematics, Economics, Geography, History, GIS, Big Data, Data Analysis, Quantitative Methods, Public Health.
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07 Jun LONGPOP members participate at the EPC 2018

Many researchers of the LONGPOP network have submitted their works to the European Population Conference 2018, held in Brussels from 6th to 9th of June 2018. This is one of the most important gatherings of scientist in the field of population, and this time the conference is dedicated to “Population, Diversity & Inequality”, which is at the heart of most ot the interests of our researchers.

The papers from the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) represent the outcomes of more than one year and a half of training and research in the framework of the LONGPOP project.

Discover more about the papers presented in the EPC 2018 here.